View Profile SonicFoxStrk
I like anime, video games, and drawing... i am an ARTIST... sorta... so i guess you can call me an Otaku ^^

Age 31, Male



Joined on 8/21/07

Exp Points:
8,850 / 9,340
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.03 votes
Pvt. First Class
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:


pm me i might help you....

Wish you good luck! ;)

thanx for the support, its good to have some one reading my page.
like your two flashes, ur under my favs

sweet, tell me when (if) it makes its way here, but no worrys, im sure it'll do just fine...

thanx :) tell you when i get any decent progress. I want to make it as perfect as possible!!! First impressions are important :P

Hey, if you can draw that well, i'm sure you'll do fine.

thanx man, i know i say this a lot, but i appreciate the compliments they're like a little up when even i look at my comments, good that someone like the drawing... though it did take me like a half-hour... damn paint tones....
but watever thanx again and be sure to check out my favs they in my opinion have some of the best f the best artists on the sites works and games, so enjoy

p.s. by the way if anyone out there knows how the hell to work Flash player 8 please tell me i really suck i can't get the damn animations to move... i need to find somewhere to start
also is there a version that works on Mac? got two different computers....

You talking about my reviews!??

Look at all those saves!!!
and Blams!!! and Rank!!!
uhh... i joined earlier, still way behind!

Good luck on your flash... cant wait too see it!

but thats nothing compared to alot of other people on this site but im trying ^^;
anyway i don't have any flashes yet and probably not for a long time...

i just LOVE Blam and Savin' !!!

Good luck with your first flash ;] Don't get your hopes up though, even quality stuff often doesn't get the score it deserves for stupid reasons (being a stick movie, not being about NG, not being sponsored, not being nice to emos and other types of mammals).

not doing it about any of tha stuff though so i should be fine ^^

How do you do Saves that good? tell me plz!

well here's the little hint everyday i go on newgrounds and check my profile and my inbox and after voting on all my favorite flash and music (not all just some) i go striaght to the flash portal
then i vote on anything that is purple in the flash portal and i do it in a certain way:

Rules on Getting Blam and Save Points
1. always vote 0 or 5 (or thats what i do) to ensure your vote can either automatically affect if it is blam or saved

2. if it is horribly draw or rated adult automatic 0 because it is usually spam or some stupid kitty krew flash (not that the kitty krew hasn't made SOME good movies and games but i hardly stress the some)

3. the only time to give an adult flash a 5 or even a good score is if it is hentai or some perverted cartoon or game, this is not because you think the game is good or that the fact that you watched it, but the real ones always get on the site because of a bunch of pervs that visit (no offense if you like that kind of stuff your decision

4. When voting look for famous actors on the site with their own series and vfery popular cartoons, give these 5 for they will ALWAYS get on the site and ensure a save point for you

5. if the flash (but usually game) is sponsered by a company when you start the game up give it a five for it has already made it on another site for it should make it here. Some of these sponsers include Armor Games, Miniclip, Max Games, Free video games, and others with a very detailed and profesional logo

6. after all the flashes in purple on the flash portal are voted on click the flash portal icon at the top of newgrounds again to see if any new flashes are updated. if so repeat the process

7. though this may seem like a long and grueling project it really isn't depending on how much time you have and the number of people submiting to newgrounds you can probably gain from 20-100 blam and save points a day

8. best days to make sure to tune into the flash portal is at the end of monthly contests and at the end of the year. many people submit their flashes at last minute either to make sure they can get alot of votes without lenghthy time of being tarnished or just that they couldn't finish it earlier and are rushing to submit before the contest is over. during these events it is possible to get from 50-150 blam and save points a day if the sumit period lasts over a number of days, but usually only last one day or a few hours

9. it's like hitting the jackpot thats why rule number nine is to tune in to newgrounds everyday to make sure you never miss a opprotunity!! one time i made from 200-300 blam and save points in only a few hours

follow these easy tips and you'll be high leveled in no time!!!!!
i hope these help you and to everyone who might read it

p.s. Merry Christmas Everybody!!!

I put some of the crap of death in my new fattyMcpatty song. =P

REALLY? cool can't wait to hear!!!

i like the crap of death that you made cuz

thanx man i love to have fans... :D

maybe someday i'll make another one...

HEY YO!!! My 4th one is out, and it STILL has a little bit of the COD (Crap Of Death) on it. Enjoy!

thanx again bud like how you include it in there!!! ^^

<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/119457">http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/119457</a>

The 5th episode is out!!! 0_0


To be honest, I forget where I got the song from. But I think it most likely came from some P2P network.

As for how I came up with the idea - I was looking for a small project I could do quickly before I settle down to finish my Easter movie when I came across the song deep within the bowls of my old external hard drive. Then It just kind of hit me.

Also, good luck with your animation. I hope it turns out well.

hope your flashes are all great too which they are ^^

As a respond to your comment on my profile page.

Lets see now... I've been watching Death Note since around the time when

Spoilers if you havn't seen the whole series

L died

end spoilers.

After that I've wathced the entire series around 4-5 times. It's my favorite Anime alongside Bleach and Naruto ^^

well i knew he was gonna die but personally i like to watch the english version
easier on my brain ^^

dude you drew this?! i didnt know that! kick ass man! that pure skillz yo!

thanks I'm thinking of submitting some artwork once and a while i be sure to tell you its pretty good ^^

Uhhh dont you mean cd-i not cg-i....

oh thanks man